South Korea beautiful woman artist Bae Seul Gi

South Korea beautiful woman artist Bae Seul GiSouth Korean female artist and Bae Seul Gi that boasts of dizzying height as singer, model, and actress in sphere of Asia. It seems to act as an image girl of online gaming LUNA, and to be popular also in China.

Bae Seul Gi is an artist in South Korea that debuted in 2006. It does in rice and Europe collaboration movie 'Finale', and the casting is done as a Chillon post who is the daughter of the boss of Mafia blitzing it, and relations [tarito] does wide activity to the cosmetics brand '[Eri-ta]' production.

It comes back as a singer after an interval of one year and six months by '[Chigyouo;]' that the delivery release was done on April 2. It seems to be a considerable, sexy route this time.

An image and a cute image of model's Bae Seul Gi are published here though it is Bae Seul Gi that digests sexy without difficulty, that is, the image girl in China of online gaming "LUNA".

It seems to serve as the image girl of "LUNA" with the South Korean beautiful woman and [kaneyoshin] of one another in China.

Here is [kaneyoshin] version.

Here is model's image.

Restoration dance of special skill though Bae Seul Gi is very lovely. The song is POP.

This ↓ saw and became a fan one.
Bae Seul Gi - Tomboy MV (Eng Sub)

The excellent article from Pretty sexily that can enjoy various Bae Seul Gi at the same time.

Source origin:
《LUNA》韩服性感美少女代言人大比拼 -中网资讯中心

Tag: Korea  Singer 


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